Discover the 4 Hidden Steps to Unlocking Time

So You Can Live a More Expansive, Enjoyable Life You Absolutely Love!

Get Instant Access to Mary Morrissey’s Brand-New Unlocking Time Program

Enroll Now

Have you ever been doing something you love, lost yourself in the joy of the moment, and looked up to see hours had gone by in a flash?

Or perhaps you’ve had the opposite experience, where mere minutes of an activity seemed to drag on for what felt like an eternity?

If yes, you’ve experienced first-hand what Einstein proved decades ago: the relativity of time.

While on one level of reality, there are a limited and fixed number of minutes and hours in the day, all of the world’s most successful people know a different truth…


Time is malleable.

Time can be stretched, shortened and manipulated, depending on your goals and desires.

It’s possible to complete a week’s worth of work and chores – in just a few hours.

Even the busiest schedule contains “hidden hours” of time for the activities and people that matter most – each and every day.

With the right relationship to time, the stress and worry of “getting everything done” can completely disappear from your life.

While it may seem like a big promise, all of this (and much more!) is possible when you learn to “unlock” and harness the true, malleable nature of time, as I did years ago.

Forget About “Managing” Your Time – Let’s Transform It!

Before we go any further, it’s important for you to know that what you’re about to learn is NOT your typical “time management” advice. I am not just talking about “managing” your time more effectively

What you’re going to discover today is how to transform and revolutionize your relationship with time.

Learning to “unlock” a more empowered relationship with time can make an exponential difference in your entire life!

With a few simple tools and strategies…

  • Checkmark You’ll find yourself more calm, focused and productive.
  • Checkmark Your days will be more enjoyable and meaningful.
  • Checkmark You’ll achieve goals more easily, and feel more energized.

Best of all, your life and calendar will be filled with more and more activities you actually LOVE

Whether that’s time to recharge by yourself in the bath, extra date nights with your partner, or creative time to bring your dreams to life!

Transforming your relationship with time makes it all possible.

After Years of Struggle, I Finally Found the Hidden Key to Elusive Breakthroughs and Next-Level Success

Me with the Dalai Lama Me with the Dalai Lama
Hands Frame Speaking on stage at TEDx –
making a dream come true!

How do I know it’s possible for you to completely transform your life as a result of “unlocking time”?

Because it happened to me!

If we haven’t met before, I’m Mary Morrissey. I’m the co-founder of the Brave Thinking Institute and an international speaker, teacher, coach and mentor on the spiritual side of success.

Decades ago, transforming my relationship to time (with just a few simple tools and strategies) proved to be the catalyst that helped me take my life to whole new levels of success!

Since then, I’ve...

  • Checkmark Written four books (and two bestsellers – one of which PBS turned into a TV special!)
  • Checkmark Met and worked alongside amazing people like Nelson Mandela and the Dalai Lama
  • Checkmark Taught and empowered hundreds of thousands of people around the world to overcome challenges and create lives they absolutely love
  • Checkmark Built multiple multi-million dollar companies that make a true difference in the world
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One of my most important
friends and teachers

Mariamme Williamson

Marianne Williamson Author of A Woman’s Worth
and A Return to Love

quote Mary Morrissey has been one of my most important friends and teachers. She has a laser beam ability to recognize and articulate possibility in someone’s life, then take their hand and show them how to make it real. To be exposed to her wisdom is to be exposed to a mighty power.

Mary Morrissey stands out in
a category all of her own

Bob Proctor

Bob Proctor Star of The Secret

quote Mary Morrissey stands out in a category all of her own. She has depth of knowledge that is unparalleled, and she is, without question, one of the best teachers I have ever met in my entire life. This woman has something special!

Mary Morrissey is someone who
will completely transform your life

Sonia Ricotti

Sonia Ricotti Motivational Speaker,
Speech Coach and Author

quote Mary Morrissey is someone who will completely transform your life… She will take your hand and take you through the path to living your greatest life – your dream life.

Out to dinner with my husband, Joe Dickey Out to dinner with my husband, Joe Dickey

The best part is, I was able to do all of this while living a life of freedom, harmony and flow…

Raising 4 kids (who I have close and loving relationships with to this day!), taking ample time to recharge by myself, and enjoying regular quality time with my husband, family and many close friends.

While amazingly powerful and effective, the tools and strategies that helped me create the time to do all of this are also incredibly simple!

Me and my amazing 4 kids Me and my amazing 4 kids

When you learn to apply what I’ve learned, you too will be able to create breakthrough levels of success in your lifeeven if you work a busy job, have a family to take care of, or already feel like there’s not enough time to get everything done.

The “Time Traps” Much of the World Is Stuck in… (and How You Can Escape Them for Good)

Unhappy man

In today’s chaotic world, many people feel stressed, busy and overwhelmed by everything they need to do...

Some feel stagnant, off-track and stuck, confused why they can’t seem to move their lives forward...

Most of all, people feel frustrated in their attempts to make the most of their precious time.

For most, it’s hard to get daily chores done... let alone achieving goals or making big dreams come true!

The underlying cause of all these struggles?

It’s not what you may have heard before…

It has nothing to do with “poor discipline”, “low willpower” or a “lack of motivation.”

The true cause of people struggling with time is the unconscious limiting beliefs they’ve picked up from their childhood, their culture, and our world.

You’ve likely heard of “limiting beliefs” before…


Well, in my experience (over 40 years of teaching and nearly 50 years of study), time-related beliefs are some of the strongest, most sabotaging and difficult-to-break paradigms that exist!

Why? Because they’re constantly reinforced in most cultures around the world.

Think about all the common phrases and sayings around time…

  • “I’ve only got a second”
  • “Time waits for no one”
  • “Time flies!”
  • “I’m running out of time”
  • “I’m tied up at that time”

This is just a small list of examples of limiting beliefs that lead to a disempowered relationship with time, and all of the struggles and frustrations I mentioned above.

The good news is…

Once you become aware of these limiting beliefs, you can use simple tools and strategies (the same I learned years ago) to relate to time in a more empowered way!

You can learn to bend, stretch and shift time to your needs…

Freeing up your time and opening your life to transform more quickly than you thought possible!

Why should you trust me?

Simple – because I was once where you are now.

Before I discovered the tools and strategies you’re about to learn today, I was completely stuck in an unconscious, disempowered relationship to time.

Before I became an international teacher and coach, I was a stressed-out mother of four, desperate for more time in the day.

In fact, most days it felt like there was barely enough time to do what I had to do for my family – and never enough time to do everything I wanted to do!

Tell me if any of the following sound familiar to you...

  • I was often stressed, scattered and overwhelmed.
  • I’d often end the day feeling worried, overwhelmed and frustrated – wondering where the time went and even talking negatively to myself at times for not getting enough done.
  • I would procrastinate on taking actions I knew would bring my dreams to life.
  • And worst of all, I felt like there was no way to change things and create more freedom and flow in my life!

What I didn’t realize back then was that I was allowing unconscious habits and beliefs to control my life, and steal my precious time away from me.

Once I learned to “unlock” the malleable, relative nature of time, however, everything changed.

Instead of feeling stressed, overwhelmed and scattered when looking at my calendar and to-do lists... I suddenly felt focused, organized and clear.

I felt free to do what I LOVED doing every day – and those tasks I used to dread magically became much more enjoyable.

Best of all, I was easily able to create more time for myself – giving myself the space, time and breaks I needed to recharge on a daily basis.

Unlocking Time (& Leveling-Up Your Life) in 4 Powerful Steps

So what did I learn that was so different from what I'd been doing before?

What made the tools and strategies I discovered so revolutionary compared to all the other teachings on mindset and success I’d already learned?

Well, I discovered that in order to master your time and easily accomplish all you want to in life, you really only need to follow 4 simple steps...

And the amazing thing is, these 4 steps have nothing to do with working harder, or longer hours. They’re not about getting up earlier and sleeping less, they’re not about having superhuman discipline or willpower to do tasks you dislike.

Step 1

Step One is to overcome overwhelm.

Many people I know (myself included at one point!) have no idea how to deal with the feeling of overwhelm. For most people, overwhelm is like a rogue tidal wave – it rises up and halts your progress. But the good news is… it’s possible to completely overcome overwhelm!

And when you do – instead of overwhelm becoming a tidal wave, you’ll notice it as a tiny ripple…

Even during the most chaotic times – you’ll stay crystal clear on what to do next, and you’ll always have enough time to get everything done that you need to.

Step 2

Step Two is to stop wasting time.

I know all about this one – I once spent 5 YEARS working on a farm, putting off my dreams and wasting precious time! Since then I’ve learned incredibly effective tools for freeing up lost time in your life.

One of the easiest ways is learning how to eliminate distractions and make quick, empowered decisions. When you learn to make quick, empowered decisions, you not only cut through procrastination and save massive amounts of time…

You’ll also achieve your goals, realize your dreams and create a life you love much faster and easier.

Step 3

Step Three is to take control of your calendar.

If you want to live a life of freedom, flow and joy, you have to master your calendar/schedule. Especially in today's modern world - the calendar is one of the most important pieces of real estate you own!

Many people feel overwhelmed and stressed looking at their calendars – they only see things the world dictates they have to do.

But when you learn to use your calendar as a transformational tool – suddenly YOU are in control of your time! When done correctly, this puts you in charge -- and your calendar will fill up with activities you love and tasks that will move your life forward.

Step 4

Step Four is to make sure your time is aligned with what matters most to YOU.

If you want to live a life of more meaning, freedom and flow – and less stress, confusion and overwhelm – you need to know your core values: what matters most to you! Once you are clear on your core values, you are ready to learn how to align every moment of your life with those values.

This is the secret key to unlocking the breakthrough results and amazing life you’ve always dreamed is possible.

After all, it’s only when we spend most of our days doing what we love… that we will love our whole life!

When you learn how to follow these four steps correctly, time becomes a gift that keeps on giving.

All areas of your life come into harmony, life becomes more enjoyable and expansive, and you’ll find yourself moving toward your dream life faster and easier than ever before!

Now, if you’re wondering "Mary that sounds amazing, but how do I actually do these 4 steps?"

How do I overcome overwhelm, take control of my calendar, stop wasting time and fill my days with activities I actually love?

Introducing the Proven, Step-by-Step System to Take Control of Your Time and Free Up Your Life for More Meaning, Abundance, Freedom and Flow

Woman on Phone

In my last 40+ years of teaching, I've met tens of thousands of people who struggled with their time…

People who desperately needed to know how to take control of their time, so they could live lives of freedom, flow, purpose and joy – lives they actually loved.

People who were overwhelmed by miles-long to-do lists, full of tasks that took them no closer to their dreams.

It was thinking of these people that had me decide to create a brand-new program for you...

Which I am THRILLED to present to you today!

The Hidden Code to Overcoming Overwhelm, Finding Your Focus, and Living a Life You Love

So far on this page, I’ve shown you what to do to unlock time…

In this step-by-step online program, I show you HOW to unlock and take control of your time, so you can live a life that is more expansive, more alive-making, more difference-making, more meaningful, and way more FUN!

Unlocking Time™ is a proven, reliable and repeatable system designed specifically to help you:

  • Checkmark Make more time for what matters most to you (even if you already feel overwhelmed)
  • Checkmark Fill your calendar with nourishing, meaningful activities you love (even if you work a busy job)
  • Checkmark Cut through distraction, eliminate procrastination and indecisiveness
  • Checkmark Reprogram your subconscious mind to align with time’s true, malleable nature (so you can get everything done you want to – and feel energized at the end of the day!)

In just 4 weeks, this groundbreaking, online program will guide you to completely transform your relationship to time, so you can more fully ENJOY your entire life!

Your days don’t have to be stressful anymore…

Follow my 4-step system for creating a life of flow, purpose and the freedom to choose how you’ll invest your precious time!

What You’ll Receive When You Enroll Today

This life-changing, 4-week online program includes 2 simple and fun components:

Part 1
Four Hour-Long Masterclasses

When you enroll today, you’ll get instant access to your private member’s area, where a new one-hour masterclass will be unlocked for you each week.

Watch these simple, easy-to-follow, video-based masterclasses on your computer, tablet, or smart phone whenever – and wherever – is most convenient.

Inside these masterclasses, you’ll learn the tools and strategies I used to revolutionize my relationship to time, as well as how to apply them to your own life, step-by-step.

Part 2
Unlocking Time Action Guides

Say goodbye to the guesswork of knowing how to apply your new knowledge to your everyday life!

Each of the 4 weekly lessons includes a short action guide that gives you a simple and highly effective activity to ground what you’ve learned. By applying these principles, you’ll quickly see your experience of time expand and improve your daily life!

Part 3
A “Personal Concierge” to Support You

When you enroll today, we’ll assign a “personal concierge” – a trained person on our team who is just a quick phone call away if you have any questions on your journey.

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I invest my time with the
people I love

Lauren Brollier

Lauren Brollier

quote The great part about working with Mary, it really isn't the extra money I’ve earned, although it's exciting, but it's that now I have time and money to spend on and with the people that I love. I invest my time with my goddaughters, I get to be there for their first day of school and their Halloween parade. I invest my time with the people I love in my family, and we've gone on great adventures together. And with this sense of freedom that I've found, I have fallen in love again with a fantastic man and we've traveled the world together!

I just absolutely
love my life

Nate Reit

Nate Reit

quote I'm just absolutely in a state where I'm able to navigate what caused me to feel stressed before and kind of off track, to really generating this feeling of joy, gratitude, and that I just absolutely love my life. I'm so grateful for this work and to Mary.

I am now living the life
I've always wanted to

Janice Bussing

Janice Bussing

quote Before I met Mary Morrissey, my soul was calling me to do something more. I had a nice career, it was all fun, but it wasn't doing what it needed to do for me and allow me to be the best version of myself. Then finally I was able to meet Mary Morrissey, and it took me to a place that was bigger than I can possibly ever imagine. I am now living the life I've always wanted to. I am that ripple effect now that I am making a difference in the world around me, and I love it.

This system has worked for thousands of people, from all walks of life, from all over the world… And when you apply this system accurately, it will work for you, too!

Some of the tools and strategies you’ll receive during the program...

Strategies Strategies Strategies

My “4-Step Alignment Check”

A simple, life-changing process that helps you align your entire life – from your everyday to-do’s to your yearly plans – with what matters most to you. Unlock the meaning, purpose and progress you've been longing for.


The “Three E’s for Making Empowered Decisions”

The most successful people in the world all have one thing in common – they've learned to make empowering decisions quickly! I created this simple “Three E’s” formula to help you STOP wasting time in indecision and doubt, quickly clarify the best path forward at any crossroads of life, and confidently make the decisions that will propel you toward your dream life.


A 5-minute quick-fix formula for moving “O.V.E.R.” overwhelm

This process can easily save you HOURS of lost time every day – in lost sleep, ineffectiveness at work, distraction with your loved ones, and more. If you feel stuck in any situation or condition that feels out of your control - and you feel powerless to make a change… Overcoming overwhelm is your essential first step to transforming your circumstances!


My “7-Color Calendar Planning Method”

In this exercise I will walk you through how to generate a calendar that you LOVE… Most people’s calendars are filled with the “have to’s” of life – so they get stressed looking at their calendars. With my “7-Color Calendar Planning Method", I'll help you create a calendar that will ENERGIZE you and keep you on track no matter what!

Plus, receive 2 incredible Bonuses when you enroll today!

Bonus #1

2 Tickets to DreamBuilder LIVE ($2,394 Value)

DreamBuilder® LIVE is my signature, 3-day live transformational event that has helped thousands of people from all over the world to create lives they love.

When you attend, you’ll:

  • Checkmark Create greater clarity on exactly what you would love for your life
  • Checkmark Effortlessly lift your vibration even higher – and discover new ways to maintain your higher vibration
  • Checkmark Connect with new friends in our amazing community of heart-centered, successful people
  • Checkmark And have a load of fun… because the event is full of live, experiential exercises that get you out of your seat, connecting with like-minded people and absorbing your new knowledge at a spiritual level

Tickets to DreamBuilder® LIVE are normally $1,197 EACH, and you’ll receive 2 tickets absolutely free the moment you enroll in Unlocking Time. That’s a $2,394 value!

Seats at DreamBuilder® LIVE are available on a first-come, first-served basis, and this life-changing event always sells out. Enroll today to claim your tickets – and lock in your spots.

Bonus #2

Gold Nuggets Guides

On top of the videos and resources in the course, you’ll also get my golden nuggets guide which summarizes all the key learnings in to easy, actionable steps to refresh your memory.

You’ll have peace of mind, knowing that you can come back to these gold nuggets whenever you need them the most, so that you can continue expanding your time freedom even when you’re unable to watch the training!

You’ll be supported by the lessons in quick-guide form as often as you like, whenever you like – so you can continue to expand and attract ever-increasing levels of freedom and time doing what you love most!

A Small Investment That Will Produce a Lifetime of Returns…

Normally, Unlocking Time is a $597 program.

This program is worth this much and FAR more because of the level of results I know you can create in your life if you apply what you'll learn inside.


I believe that never before on this planet have we had a greater need for more time and abundance freedom. The more conscious people have control over their time, the more people there are who will do good, make a positive impact, and appreciate quality time with the people that matter the most!

Because of this, I wanted to make Unlocking Time affordable for as many people as possible.

So, in that spirit, and to make it easy for you to take action, I have a special, limited time offer for you…

Mary Morrissey

I’m going to cut your total investment by HALF, to only $297!

You can choose ONE easy payment – or we’re offering a simple payment plan to get you going for just $173.50 today. Let’s work together to create the time freedom you really want in your life. Click the button below for instant access!

Let’s work together to create the time freedom you really want in your life. Click the button below for instant access!

Pay In Full 1 Time Payment of $597 $297


Pay In Full 1 Time Payment of $597 $297

~ OR ~

Payment Plan 2 Easy Payments of Just $173.50


Your 100% Delight Is Backed by My 1-Year, Industry-Leading Guarantee

Guarantee Badge

One that will have an impact on everything you do, I encourage you to experiment with this. I’ve taken out all the risk for you by offering an industry-leading ONE-YEAR guarantee!

Enroll today, go through the entire system, and put these practices to work in your life.If, at any time during the next year, you don’t believe the program was worth your investment, I’ll refund you every penny, 100% – no questions, no hassle.

I wanted to remove ALL risk for you so you literally have nothing to lose by taking action today – go ahead and enroll now!


If you’re ready to make a significant, positive change in your life… the choice is in your hands

Happy Woman Happy Woman


  • Checkmark Imagine stress and overwhelm no longer bothering you every day.
  • Checkmark Imagine no longer needing to frantically multi-task to try to get things done.
  • Checkmark Imagine ending each day, each week, each month, each year feeling proud, grateful, even surprised at how much you accomplished...
  • Checkmark Imagine knowing with 100% confidence that you have the skills and tools to keep building momentum in your life and accomplish even more moving forward!

Time freedom can help you achieve extraordinary results in every area of your life.

You’ve seen how it helped me and I believe you now see how it can do the same for you.

I’ve negotiated a special one time offer for you, with a 100% full year guarantee that covers all your risk.

The way I see it, you have three options…

Do nothing

Option #1: Do nothing and stay on the path you’re on right now.

If you relish the idea of things staying the same, then by all means… don’t seize this opportunity!

But just ask yourself what the cost of that would be. Are you currently stressed, busy or overwhelmed by everything you need to do? Perhaps you feel stagnant, off-track or stuck?

If you’ve resonated with any of the points on this page, the universe is calling you to a greater life. One of more ease, freedom and flow… one where you have the time and energy to bring more of your gifts to the world!

Everything you’re about to learn in this program continues to help me to this day. It is the most powerful, effective and simple tools I’ve come across for becoming a master of the time in your life.

So if you crave a different, better and more expansie life, read on for your two other options…

Happy Woman

Option #2: Learn how to do it yourself.

You can try to learn these techniques just like I tried at the very start of my career. I studied for a decade trying to figure out how to get the results I wanted. And I spent many more years distilling everything that worked down to these 4, core strategies and tools.

You could research new time-saving techniques, procrastination killers and focus hacks…

Hoping that one will pay off and make you super efficient to free up a little bit of time at the end of the day.

If you work hard, and stay diligent, you might even succeed!

Or… You could choose option 3.

Happy Woman

Option #3: Let me help you!

I’ll put my proven system to work for you.

I’ve already done all the legwork. I’ve put in the years of study and I’ve been mentored by some of the world’s leading teachers, success-stories and thought innovators.

If you want to experience that for yourself, without all the trial and error…

All you have to do is click the button below, enroll in the program, and apply what you’ll discover inside.

Remember, you're 100% backed up by our 1 year guarantee, so there’s absolutely no risk on your part!

The most successful people in the world know how to recognize the golden opportunities of life…and take action on them quickly.

This is your opportunity. Are you ready to seize it?
ULT Program